Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help?

Please consider sending in a testimonial to our contact email. Testimonials can include patients as well. All are affected by staffing issues. We could use some inspirational messages as well, as some positivity can help show the potential that healthcare can be on  a good day. 

Sign and share the petition . Also encourage people to RSVP  to the statehouse. You can find all links to this organization on our linktree

Call or write your legislators. Click here to find our how to get started

Who is my legislator?

For US  Congressional Representatives, click here . You can find by zipcode, then get more information by full Address. Contact information for those representatives are on the site 

Here you can put in your address to figure out both your Ohio Senate and House representative. Click here . Note that this must be the address you are registered to vote in.

How do I check my voter registration?

Go to this site to check current registration.

To register online go to this page. click here to register 

Early/Absentee ballot info is here. Check it out 

What should I write in a letter to my legislator?

Feel free to check out the sample letter to legislators. Make it fit what you need. Help us help you.

Can you give me advice?

This is a page is ran by nurses. We are not lawyers, so please do not use whatever information you find on here without speaking with legal counsel. This is not a substitute for legal counsel. If you ever need an ear to listen, we have plenty. You are not alone.